Since about the year 2000, Ecopulse has cooperated with Dr. Elena O. Baronova to help scientists acquire bent crystals for x-ray diagnostcs and imaging. Sometimes, the crystals are for a one-time specific measurement at a University, for a thesis or to show feasibility. Then, the principal author may mention Ecopulse and/or Dr. Baronova as the source of the bent crystal, especially if the crystal was specified only after much back-and-forth (or, when those interactions went beyond the crystal parameters themselves, as in the paper just mentioned). They can also become one of many components in some permanent x-ray diagnostic on some large plasma device like the NSTX or Wendelstein-7. Then, it is never mentioned who made the bent crystals. Since they are just as much a core component of the diagnostic as the electronic photon counters or the analysis software, there is still an element of pride in having been involved in some major effort that merits publication. To the best of our knowledge, the following papers describe results obtained in part with Ecopulse's crystals.